Friday 27 April 2012

Honiara Day 2

Lovely weather here, hot (prob 35) and sunny. Everyone so far really friendly.
Just had lovely cooked breakfast in Lime Lounge, where expats and tourists go - really nice and much needed.

Yesterday was a shock to the system and I was pretty down. However, much better after a good nights sleep and lots of water. Drinking boiled water as  too many fluids are needed her, impossible to stay hydrated but my Steam bath training helped.

Immigration people were fine getting in here, despite J's concerns.
Met lovely taxi driver at airport.

M and J's phones don't work so bought new one here cheaply. Will ring tonight/morning to give you number. Incoming calls free, out $7.50, approx 75p.

Speak soon.

Thursday 26 April 2012

In Brisbane

Flight with emirates went really well. Off now to honiara. Will keep you posted.

Friday 20 April 2012

Solomon Islands Intro

This is the definitive blog for the Solomon Islands.
One thing I found is that there is little information available about the islands that is up-to-date or useful when deciding what to take on your elective.
Therefore for future years of Elective students, I give you the Solomon Islands.