Wednesday 9 May 2012

14 days since landing here...

Dia all,

Weather is still hot, with the occasional relief of rain. Spent the weekend in hotels swimming (Honiara hotel and Heritage Park hotel). HH is not worth the $30 entry, although it has the only 25m pool, and the advert that has views of Honiara from the pool is a lie. Heritage Park Hotel on the other hand cost us $50 (reduced rate from adult visitor of $100) for the pool for a day. It is not worth the $100 but the view was spectacular and it even had a stony beach where you could paddle in the sea. Food was reasonably priced, moreso than Solomon Kitano Medana Hotel, which was horrendously pricey. Brilliant toilet and shower facilites (only hotel to have shower for day guests), only let down was that it only has 1 sun lounger.

As I'm sure I've said before Point Cruz Yacht Club is the best value for money place for food.

Onto yesterdays activity... Scuba Diving!!!
Yes, that is correct. We had our first day of PADI Open Water Course, with Tulagi Diving at White River (just outside Honiara). At only $3500 it is the best value dive school in the Solomons. We started with a couple of hours theory then packed up the gear and went diving!
We travelled to the Dive site in the back of a rusty truck, with our German instructor driving. The wind in our hair and palm tree (and other types) lined road, this is the country we were expecting to see.
The road had SPEED BUMPS! Advanced you are thinking for the country I've been describing... you are wrong. Instead of the British Sleeping Policeman (or its modern alternative), they have made DITCHES! Yes, the road has holes in it, that have been dug into the asphalt. They made for a very bumpy and occasionally painful ride, even at 1 mph.
Custom had to be paid at the beach (fee for using the beach) and then we arrived at the beach.

It is incredible!!!!!!!!!! The white sand, lined by palm trees, and the sea... a perfect blue and hot (30 degrees). Heaven.

Onto the diving.
We kitted up and entered the water without a wetsuit, as way too hot. Putting on our fins and masks then the descent. The blue sea, white sand and beautiful coral immediately hit you. Then we touched down. Some of us having a few issues. A beige fish with blue stripes came up and greeted us. Immediately this was better than British Diving. We then noticed that J had his fins on upside down!!! Hillarious. Unfotunately laughing underwater is not as easy as on surface.
After doing some basic skills we went for a swim.
We were diving Bonegi I, a Japanese cargo ship that was trying to beach itself after being attacked by American planes. A second wave sunk it just before it landed! It starts at 5m and goes down to 50m! A must dive.

This untouched wreck with every kind for coral was undescribable. The vibrance of the colours looks like something from the best aquarium in the world. As for the fish... electric blues, blacks, yellows, oranges, pinks, greens, purples, sandy colours all mixed in a variety of tiny to pretty big fish. For some the coral was a protection (like the clownfish, yes, I saw Nemo and his family) and others an obstruction. Everything from Angelfish, to parrotfish (that have a beak), to tiny electric blue fish, to Crayfish, to the massive groupers and probably tuna. I just can't get over how I have never done this before. It cannot put it into words. Playing with fish, chasing them, just admiring them in their natural habitat... AN ABSOLUTE MUST FOR ANY HUMAN BEING!!!
Didn't see any sharks luckily. =).

After a short air tank change we went again, a little deeper this time and saw more of the wrech. At times looming over us. Brilliant!

We finished the day by going to the much recommended Raintree Cafe and had a lovely Tropical Giant Pizza for $210 (not really enough for 3 post diving). The pineapples here are incredible, as are green bananas!!!

Basically, you need to visit Solomons for the BEST Diving in the World!!!


  1. sounds wonderful! so pleased :) hope you can go diving many more times x

  2. Oh I don't know, not sure you've beaten my diving with a whaleshark in Thailand, or on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia! Glad you're having a good time!
