Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 6 or 7... lost count


Ok, soI'm back at the internet cafe. I've now moved from Chester Resthouse to Kiwi house on hospital compound as much easier to get to placement. I'm in A&E (accident and emergency). Doctors (4 of them working 7 days a week) are lovely and proactive. I'm currently with Jana but he is moving after 2 weeks to anaesthetics. I haven't decided yet whether to do another speciality.
A&E is basically like UK A&E and GP merged (as latter doesn't exist).
Seen some interesting cases and some UK like (bronchiolitis very common in children). Most cases are infection related. As for further tests: FBC, U&E, LFTs, Xrays, Ultrasounds are only available. This may seem a lot but this is basically the only hospital in solomon islands.

although English is official language only 2% speak it and 96% pidgin. Pidgin is odd language as sounds like broken english, and phonetical, but not all english sounding words mean the same. Medical terms are basically the same (vomitim, cough, fever, diarrhoea but not pain = soa (logical if think about it)).

Honiara: Not paradise. Dusty, noisy, busy and EXPENSIVE!!! although $12 to 1 pound it is more expensive than UK!!!!! A main meal is not possible for under 10 pounds. Money is not lasting anywhere near as long as need it to.

Chester accommodation is $220 per night (22 pounds) and so that adds up and Kiwi house (soon to be demolished) only $400 for whole stay - but not that good quality. No shower, and water tempermental.
However it does have fans, beds, gas hobs, and a roof. Mum would probably struggle to live in it but it will so probably 800 pounds!!!!

Basically summing up here... you can't live on budget and don't know how locals can afford to live.
Also, not safe after dark.


  1. need more money in cash card.

    1. A&E sounds great. I hope you gain lots of experience and make sure you enjoy it! I am sure you will soon get used to the temperature/ humidity. Good luck communicating with the locals - sounds like fun :) Yams are like (sweet)potatoes, so you can cook them in the same way - boil, mash, roast... Sorry to hear about the money - how annoying, but it is a once in a life time experience - so have a wonderful time! xxx


    Glad to hear you're still alive =)

  3. O & O send their love and to let you know they are following your progress with Mojmir. X

  4. learning pidgin off doctors and guess work... problem is that my english is getting worse as hardly need to speak properly as always broken english.
