Monday 28 May 2012

Day 33 (In Gizo)

I have arrived in Western Province and it is so beautiful.
Everyone is friendly and virtually not traffic. This has its ups and downs as the other day we had to walk 2 hours in the darkness from a beach as the taxi did not arrive with only 2 torches between the 4 of us. An experience, as the stars away from all light, bar a campfire, were phenomenal! I believe I have seen the Southern Cross but oddly can't tell any star signs as we're in the southern hemisphere! Irritating as that is normally a forte.
Yesterday we had to get local to give us a lift back from one of the islands as the 2 'tourist resorts' had stopped their free boats early (without warning) at 7pm!!! However, although this trek to and fro resembled a team building exercise, and was so stressful (1 torch between 4 and roots/upturned trees ready to trip us), we had a brilliant boat trip back with plankton glowing an eerie green as though they were water fireflies/glowworms. Magical!!!
Most of the medics who were here have now left but it seems as though this will be the relax and enjoy the beautiful Solomons aspect of the elective.

Also kayaked around Kennedy Island and also dived a Japanese transport ship and saw a tank, jar of condoms and other delights from the wreck (sunk 1943). However the highlight was almost impaling myself on a LIONFISH, which is poisonous!

Anyway, I am enjoying the relaxation and bananas (so many and of different types), which put the 'English Bananas' to shame.

1 comment:

  1. sounds beautiful with all the stars and plankton! Please do not go attacking any fish, so that you can get back here in one piece - thank you :)
