Saturday, 12 May 2012

Day 17

Went for 2 more dives yesterday and topped this off with a large gourmet pizza at the Raintree Cafe and a Chocolate cake (not that chocolatey - definitely miss Belgian or any kind of chocolate).

The dives were amazing. Got attacked by a territorial yellow fish (?Yellow tang). It was looking at me so I thought I'd play with it. so jabbed my finger at it. It made itself big and puffed out its sides and then started jabbing at my mask. Needless to say I got out of there and my breathing control went to pot.
That page shows a lot of photos of the fish I have seen. Maybe when I have time I'll list their names. Certainly seen various types of Angelfish and Clownfish. Also saw my first Trianglefish (genuinely a triangle!)

Anyway better go as got work e-mails to send. Off to a Hotel again to use their swimming pool and relax.

P.S. In yet another Internet Cafe in NPF Plaza. $24/hr but faster internet.

P.P.S. If you have never dived on a coral reef, you are missing out. Do it.

1 comment:

  1. Mark! I've loved reading all about your experiences- the "highs" and the "lows". Sounds like the trip of a lifetime! Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.

